Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Positive Revolution

The positive revolution is a worldwide revolution promoted by Edward de Bono in his book, Handbook for the Positive Revolution (1991), also known as "the Yellow Book." It is the culmination of many of his approaches to the future, in particular his notion of "The Happiness Purpose". The common current way of solving problems and differences is through the use of opposing forces in conflict. This was the negative revolution. Force is applied to an enemy with a goal of overthrowing it by using overwhelming power in direct confrontation. This system requires two polarized "sides" which attack each other head-on.

The positive revolution is a new paradigm of the use of a variety of forces to go around the enemy and solve problems in new ways. The focus is not on vanquishing the enemy, but on building a better structure. The energy is directed toward construction rather than destruction.

What is the foundation of the positive revolution?

The positive revolution is built on three solid foundations:

  • Principles
  • Methods
  • Power
Principles - design with direction rather than destruction
Methods - of change
Power - of perception, information and effectiveness rather than violence and destruction

What are the five principles of the positive revolution?

The symbol of the positive revolution is the open hand. The five principles can be mapped onto the fingers to help remember them.

  • Effectiveness: making sure that what you intend to do gets done. Symbolized by the thumb, without which the hand is not effective.
  • Constructiveness: ensuring that everything you do follows a positive direction. Symbolized by the index finger, the finger used to point a direction.
  • Respect: treating others as human beings, with human rights and human dignity. A revolution by people is also for people, so respect is essential. As this is considered the most important principle of all, it's symbolized by the longest finger, the middle finger... contrary to popular usage.
  • Self-Improvement: continuously increasing positive attitude, habits and skills while decreasing negative ones. Every individual has the right as well as the duty to make himself or herself better. This is symbolized by the ring finger, which is seldom most prominent in our actions, but is always there.
  • Contribution: giving what you can toward bringing the positive revolution to pass. Symbolized by the little finger, meaning that even the smallest contribution is worthwhile, and will add up eventually.

What are the methods of the positive revolution?

As a painter uses a paintbrush to paint and a carpenter uses a saw to cut wood, a revolutionary needs tools to create revolution. The tools used in the positive revolution are many and include the following methods: Changing perceptions Creating new symbols Altering thinking methods Naming things Educating on positive methods in positive ways Creating organisations to facilitate action

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